My Tree Matters

Save a Tree, save the Planet #mytreematters
Talking about the project, Bryn said ‘we have a small area of historic woodland backing onto our gardens. When I heard developers planned to remove the trees and replace them with a city style cul-de-sac my wife and I found ourselves swept into the battle to save the trees and the abundance of wildlife that has flourished here for 100s of years.’
Early one Spring morning I was in the garden, feeling sad about it, and hearing the birds sing in the trees, the song ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’ came.
Neighbours from our surrounding streets have voiced their concerns and 130 of them objected to the plans; we’ve had meetings with local councillors as the strength of feeling and outrage has grown. The plans were turned down first by the Council, then by the Planning Inspector but still the builders raged on. they have tried to sell the site to other developers so far without success. We can never rest until the threat of destruction gone.
Nigel Walk who has made films for National Geographic and the BBC caught hold of the vision and wrote a wonderful storyline for the video which we filmed in locations in and around London in April . The films also features 5 year old Poppy, who represents the new generation who are in danger of growing up into a foul aired, brown and unpleasant land. I believe it’s up to us all to do whatever we can individually, so the following generations will have a beautiful Earth to live on.
There are around 7.5 billion of us in the world. If more of us individually stand up for our local trees the task of saving our world’s lungs becomes possible.
If you feel your trees are under threat I hope you will feel encouraged to stand up for them, and say ‘NO’ to indiscriminate felling. It might be a tree in your garden or on your street or playing field, it might be in the Amazon.